We also attended our ward party this evening where we ate too much food and enjoyed visiting with our ward family. My family also had to perform Silent Night program (which I don't mind except it meant I couldn't sneak out early to catch up on my word count for NaNo because we were almost the last number).
Speaking of NaNo, I am up to 31,739 today. So my word count for today ended up being 2618. I am much further behind than I should be, but the story is really starting to flow and I am getting more words faster. I don't know if I will make the 50,000 words this year and I'm beginning to think the whole short story thing is much easier.
So this is ending up being a post about almost nothing, because I still don't feel that great, I'm tired and I'm going to bed. But I'm still keeping up with NaBloPoMO. And go read O. Henry's short story when you have a minute - it always gives me a good laugh.
You must have worked hard this week - your word count has doubled
Trying anyway. I'm going to have to put in some all-nighters if I'm going to finish.
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