No time for a real post today, we are all out enjoying the excessive heat and taking part in all the events for Magrath days. Here is another tag I filled out a few days ago. This one came from
Amanda.Four jobs I've had:
1. Housekeeper at a hospital - Even if I don't do it as often as I should, I'm really good at mopping floors now.
2. Retail sales - I sold sewing machines for several years and helped in the repair shop.
3. Seamstress - I worked as a seamstress for a bridal shop for a few months and spent years sewing bridal gowns and prom dresses for people.
4. Dayhome provider - I sent all my kids off to school and ended up watching all the neighbors kids.
Four places I have lived:
1. Rexburg, Idaho - Go Ricks College! (or BYUI or whatever)
2. Magrath, Alberta - my favorite place (see yesterdays blog)
3. Springville, Utah - one year in grade 4
4. Grassy Lake, Alberta - the list goes on but these were the first ones to come to mind.
Four favorite T.V. shows:
1. Criminal Minds - I love the whole profiling aspect of the show and the characters are great.
2. Survivor - yes, I got hooked on season one and haven't been able to give it up.
3. That's about it, I watch so little television these days, and don't feel like I am missing too much. I miss some of the older sitcoms though.
Four favorite foods:1. Anything dairy. I agree with Amanda on this one.
2. Chocolate - although I am trying to cut back :(
3. Fresh fruit, especially pineapple and mangos
4. Japanese food (but not sushi)
Four websites I frequent:
1. - Both sides of my family maintain sites with It is a great way to keep up with what everyone is up to.
2. - LDS writers who write about writing and books.
3. - Tristi puts new things on her blog every day and sometimes more. It is always an interesting read.
4. - I love to do a little geneology when I have the time, which hasn't been a whole lot in the last few months.
Four places I'd rather be right now:
1. I love being home, I just wish there were a few more quiet moments. Doesn't happen much with all the kids home from school.
2. In the mountains.
3. On the beach.
4. In a library.
Four Movies I love:
1. Casablanca - this is my all-time favorite
2. The Lake House
3. Calamity Jane - or any other old musical
4. The Lord of the Rings trilogy
Four Bloggers I tag next:
Sorry guys :) Have fun
Tristi Pinkston
AliShannaJulie Bellon