
Friday, 28 December 2007

My Brain's on Vacation

I have had a few people ask where I've been for the last week. I think my brain took a holiday. In the last seven days, I have only turned on my computer twice, once yesterday and once today. The first part of the week, I was down with a touch of the flu, then my youngest daughter woke up with it on Boxing Day. We had the three older children over yesterday for dinner so we could exchange Christmas gifts with them. And today just seemed to slip by without me realizing how fast it was going.

A few days ago, I mentioned to my husband that I felt guilty for not doing any work. I have a book to write a synopses for and another one to finish and start editing, plus all the little projects that require attention. He reminded me that I will never regret taking a few days to spend extra time with my children. He's right. We haven't done anything earth shattering, but we have been together. It really has been a good holiday so far, and I am looking forward to spending more time with the kids.

At the same time, I think it's time to bring my brain back from vacation and get back to work. I have all sorts of new writing goals running around my head and a brand new year to accomplish them in. I can't wait to get back into the routine. Until then...

Merry Christmas
Happy New Year!


Tristi Pinkston said...

Once you figure out how to get your brain off vacation, would you please tell me? I sure could use some pointers!

Autumn Ables said...

Welcome back :) I'd say the same to me too since I've been 'away' from the blogging world this past month myself.

It's always a good thing to reconnect with our short people to show them how much we love them. Good for you.

I look forward to reaching new goals in the BIAM #2 with Tristi and many others- like you.

Keep up the great work and I look forward to reading your updates often. :)

Josi said...

I"ve loved having the kids home too, but I'm looking forward to Wednesday. I've ironically had some great ideas, but I just can't get them written down. It's not just that the kids keep me busy, but cleaning up after Christmas and catching up on some put off projects and all those other things leave me busy and 'used up' I wish you the best though and will try to do the same.

Stephanie Humphreys said...

Short people are good, but I am getting excited for school to be back in session. We have one more week of holidays though. As for the brain coming of vacation, I'm still trying to figure that one out.

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