
Friday 3 August 2007

HP 7 Book Review

I finally wrested the final Harry Potter book from my son. He was very kind and didn't give away any of the plot and I have been careful no to read spoilers anywhere else. Since everyone has probably already read the book or read other summaries elsewhere, I won't go into that. I enjoyed this book because I loved to see everything finally tied up. I thought JKR did a great job of character development throughout the series and everyone acted the way I expected them to act, which made the ending work for me. I also loved the way she developed place. I could picture every scene and that also made the book come alive.

Being a forgetful reader, I feel like I need to go back to the first book and start again so everything will really make sense. I am amazed at the amount of detail she managed to keep straight in the seven books. The amount of planning must have been enormous. It will be interesting to look back over the other books and note how all the facts lead to the end. I look forward to see what else she comes up with now that this series is done. But really, how do you top that kind of success?


Jennifer said...

I am like you, I want to go back and read all seven books from start to finish. Of course I will really have to be strong in budgeting my reading time or my poor family will be sorely neglected.

Stephanie Humphreys said...

I just don't know when I will do it. There are just too many other things to read that I haven't even started yet.

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