
Monday, 2 November 2009

And the Winner is . . .

I took all the comments from the last post about Stephanie Black's book Methods of Madness and put the names in a hat. And the winner is . . . Marcia Mickelson. Congratulations Marcia. Hope you enjoy the book.

Today I start with the yearly challenge of NaNoWriMo. I'm not sure exactly why I signed up. It seems like every year just gets a little busier, but what would November be without a little craziness. Since I never write on Sundays, I have to write about 2000 words every day to be able to make it. This will be the fourth year I've participated. Lots of my friends have signed up this year, so there is a little extra competition and a lot of extra encouragement. Hopefully at the end of the month I can say. . .and the winner is ME!


Josi said...

Good for you, and good luck!

Amy Savage said...

Good luck with your writing this month! Write your heart out, sista!

Marcia Mickelson said...

Thanks, Stephanie. I already have a copy and have read it. Sorry I commented on your post; I only meant to agree wholeheartedly with your review. Can you pick the next person? I would feel bad getting another copy when someone who hasn't read it could enjoy it. Thanks so much.

Stephanie Humphreys said...

Sure, I'll draw another name.

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