``An illiterate slave, Dred Scott trusted in an all-white, slave-owning jury to declare him free. But after briefly experiencing the glory of freedom and manhood, a new state Supreme Court ordered the cold steel of the shackles to be closed again around his wrists and ankles. Falling to his knees, Dred cried, "Ain't I a man?" Dred answered his own question by rising and taking his fight to the U.S. Supreme Court.
Dred ultimately lost his epic battle when the Chief Justice declared that a black man was so inferior that he had "no rights a white man was bound to respect."
Dred died not knowing that his undying courage led directly to the election of President Abraham Lincoln and the emancipation proclamation.
Dred Scott's inspiring and compelling true story of adventure, courage, love, hatred, and friendship parallels the history of this nation from the long night of slavery to the narrow crack in the door that would ultimately lead to freedom and equality for all men.``
I began reading this book with little knowledge of slavery in the United States. Of course, I knew it happened, but being educated in Canada, it wasn`t part of our history. This book really opened my eyes. Mark L. Shurtleff has written a comprehensive look at Dred Scott`s fight for freedom. He brought the character of Dred and his comtemporaries alive. I did find it distracting when the author jumped between different dates, but in the end I enjoyed the book and would highly recommend it.
I saw that you were reading this and was waiting for you to finish so I could hear your thoughts. I think I will have to check it out now! Thanks for the review.
But seriously...5am! That's early. :)
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