Nature's insulation. Kind of obstructs the view, but it's pretty at the same time.

Out the front door - or at least we could go out the front door if we could get it open. My son had to go out the side door and come up the front steps this morning to get his newspapers from the bin that is buried somewhere under that snowdrift.

Another shot of the front porch. You could lose a small child in there!

Shovelling the snow from the walk is going to be a fun job. Should burn a lot of calories. It is still snowing and blowing furiously, so I'm not sure how long a shovelled walk will last.

Of course, when my husband did try to take the van out, he ended up stuck. Our wonderful neighbors came right over when they saw the problem. They were out and on their way in no time. Seems like a good day to turn on the oven and fill the house with the warmth and aroma of Christmas baking.